Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is that you??!!!

Love Boy is learning how to walk.   He has officially let go and does the 'zombie' walk.   The other night while sitting at the table, I listened as he walked down the hallway to see his sister.   It was a sweet sound especially since he was calling for her.   Well, kind of yelling for her!   He loves her so much.  I have found he really does not like closed doors.   He allows his door to be shut for sleep time, but after that...doors better be open!   Kind of reminds me of MTC....letters from the past that I miss.

With the zombie walk comes shoes!   My mom bought him some sandals and they are so cute.   He has been wearing them and things are good...except one thing.   His feet stink so bad!!!  I mean, STINK!   I take those shoes off and I wondered what that awful smell was.   I checked his diaper and realized those little feet smell like the sewer!   They were so bad that I had to actually put the shoes outside and air them out!   They stunk up the entire room. How can this be!?!?   My cute, sweet little Love Boy has feet that could pass for a bad bottle of vinegar!   I blame the hubby.   Poor Honey Bunny has a stinky feet problem too.   Of all the things to get from their daddy, they get stinky feet!   Well, at least they got his pretty eyes.  I am hoping for his teeth and good eyesight too.    Come on straight teeth and no glasses!!! 

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Dude...come on! Antibacterial Febreeze!!! Kills the bacteria that cause the smell and make them smell good. I'm disappointed you didn't mention it!