Monday, September 13, 2010

I am still here!

Whew...what a crazy couple of weeks!   I have a few moments and I needed to post some updates. 

First, Love Boy's numbers are still low.   The last we checked they were below 60.   UGH.   This has been going on for about 2 months now and the doctors are wondering if this is a case of chronic ITP.   That makes me sad, but it is something we can live with and cope.
From there, we are not checking his blood weekly!   Yay!!!   The numbers were not showing any improvements and we were not gaining anything from the results except they are still low.....and what to do with that??   So, we go monthly now.   If any symptoms crop up, I take him to be tested.   Trust me, I know those symptoms...bruises and that petechaie rash.

Love Boy just got over a virus.   Really, those can be tricky with ITP.  When you get a virus, your body kind of 'slows' down to fight the virus, so the production of platelets will slow down.   For those of us with normal platelet levels, that is no big deal, but with ITP....that can be tricky.  While his platelets are low, every time he gets sick we have to watch for the symptoms for we do not want to dip down below 10....that is the bad number...   Again, he is good and I feel his bruising has gotten better.   I hope to post good news after the monthly checkup!

Second thing....I entered the fair again this year and got NOTHING...bastards...  :)  No really, I will keep trying like I do every year.  I have many ribbons to my name and I am happy about that.   I know I am a good cook...I have ribbons to prove it!

Lastly, I took Honey Bunny and one of her BFFs to the zoo on Friday.   Those girls were perfect.   We dropped off stuffs at the state fair and then headed out there.   It was cool and overcast...just comfortable weather.   We ate lunch and then the rain came.   It was NOT stopping.   I did not have an umbrella and if I did, I could not hold it and push a double stroller anyway!    I ran to my car, pushing a double stroller with 2 screaming girls in the pouring rain!   They totally enjoyed it.   Honey Bunny stated, "Do it again Mommy!"   No....I am not doing that again....   :)   I was soaked.   So were the girls, but not so bad since they had cover from the stroller. 

Well, that is about it for a recap.   More to come soon regarding Love Boy and the zombie walk and Honey Bunny and her friends!

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