Thursday, March 24, 2011

So far so good....

Proud to say that Love Boy has not had any signs of ITP.  It is still on my mind everytime I see a bump or mark on him.   Really, the only symptoms he had was he was tired and the petechial rash.   I signed up for a couple of support groups and found this link:


Fatigue is much more prevalent in ITP patients than the general population report researchers, analyzing responses of 598 people with ITP in the US and UK who completed a standardized questionnaire measuring fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and orthostatic symptoms (feeling faint). They found that the fatigue correlated with platelet counts less than 100,000, daytime sleepiness, orthostatic function, bleeding symptoms, and the presence of other medical conditions. In their study fatigue was not associated with age, gender, splenectomy status or duration of ITP.
Newton JL et al. “Fatigue in Adult Patients with Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia. Eur J Haematol. 2011 Feb 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0609

Wow!   Love Boy fell asleep eating dinner and that was super odd.   I will say he had fatigue.

I hope all are well.   I promise to get back to posting and not be like 5 months before the next one!

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