Sunday, August 29, 2010

Slave work :)

First off I want to say that Love Boy went to the doctor and his numbers are up!   YES!!!!!!!!!!   Now, he can go to school and I hope we can get back to some normal schedule.   I will miss him during the day...

So, today I slaved.   I made homemade lasagna.   I used to make it all the time, but my hubby taught me how to make spaghetti sauce.   Hence, I then used that for the lasagna.   This morning I got up, made breakfast and then made the meat for the sauce.   That sauce simmered in the crock pot all day and then I took that sauce and made the lasagna.   Yep....homemade sauce for my homemade lasagna.   I have to kicked ass.

I am now waiting for the blueberry pie to cool.   Yes, I made a pie too!   So, today I slaved in the kitchen.   Why?  I love to cook.   I have been so worried about Love Boy that I really have not been able to cook like I wanted.   Good news means good food I guess!   I had to practice the pie anyway for I am entering that in the state fair.   I sure hope I win!

My point is...we all have things that mess up our routine.   Things will work out and you will be able to do your version of 'slave work' soon!

Love, Michele

P.S.  Thanks to my hubby for making coffee.  I said that I did not want any, but he knew better and made some anyway.   I love you!

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