Friday, April 8, 2011

Just Do It!

About a year ago, my hubby and I went to O'Charley's and there was a lady in there with special needs.   When we were trying to sit down, she made a little bit of a scene with us on commenting my glasses, she tried to give me money, and running in and out of the was kind of embarrassing.  Our server seemed a little put out about it, but she finally left with her family and we went on with our dinner.

I saw that lady just recently.   As I was shopping at Kroger, I heard a sound by the entrance and I look up and there she was.   She walked with such joy and pride.  Her hips were swaying and purse in hand...she was at the store!  She waved to every person she saw and said "HI!" to everyone that made eye contact with her.   I happened to be right in the path of where she was heading and I smiled to her and I got the very friendly (and very loud), "HI!"   She passed me, but then stopped.....
She came back and right up to me and in my personal space.  She said, "You look 25!"  On that, she went to go stand in line at the pharmacy and I just stood there a second to digest what just happened.   

I figured out she simply says what is on her mind.  Another thing, she only says nice things.   In the time I heard her (she was very loud), she never once said anything mean or rude.  I heard her say, "I like your shoes!  Those glasses are pretty! You are so nice!"   Of all the comments, I got that I look 25... that kicks ass!  :)

So, compliment someone today.  Don't be afraid to thank someone or tell them you love them.   Just do it for that lady made me very happy that day.  Heck, I am writing about her and I am still happy.   I am very happy with my 25 year old looking face!  bahahaha!
